Background + Contact
Jeremy Smith is the creator and designer of the Cleveland Architecture Coloring Book. He grew up in Erie, Pennsylvania as an active member of the local Arts community and graduate of the Pennsylvania Governors School for the Arts in 2001. Jeremy then went on to attend Kent State University where he received master's degrees in both architecture and urban design, which provided him the opportunity to teach and study abroad in Florence, Italy on multiple occasions. In the five years since graduating from the Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative Jeremy has designed, curated, lectured and practiced on many levels with a focus on social responsibility and activation. The Cleveland Architecture Coloring Book is a project that has been in progress for a number of years and was completed with the help of colleagues Michael Abrahamson, Theodore Ferringer, Austin Kotting, and Allison Szalkowski. The pages were originally featured on the Tumblr blog designbelt and released as a publication in time for the 2012 AIA Ohio Convention held in Cleveland September. This project has the ability to transcend age and expose individuals to architecture in a playful, engaging manner, while addressing a critical void in society, making it an incredibly unique opportunity worth supporting. The work does not end with the next printing of the coloring book, it will go on until design education becomes accessible to all in a manner that enriches lives and creates a heightened awareness of the environment.
Designbelt was launched in October, 2012 by Jeremy Smith as the production and publishing start-up company for the Cleveland Architecture Coloring Book and many other unique opportunities. The company’s range includes architecture coloring books, conceptual design, urban design, graphic representation and diagramming. Designbelt works with a focus on design and social responsibility at every scale.
Jeremy Smith . [email protected] .